Newyddion diweddaraf
Llifogydd ar yr A55 Gwynedd - diweddariad 11.30pm nos Iau 22ain Tachwedd
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<p>The Multi Agency response to the severe weather conditions currently affecting the A55 Dual carriageway at Bangor is being hampered by the actions of some inconsiderate motorists.</p> <p> </p> <p>North Wales Police are concerned that some motorists are ignoring unattended Road Diversion signs on parts of the A5, A55 and A470 which are not only putting the lives of the motorists at risks but also those of the Emergency Services who are having to divert resources away from priority calls to dea
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Diweddariad i’r tywydd difrifol yng Ngwynedd – canolfannau lloches wedi’u hagor.
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Diweddariad ar y tywydd garw yng Ngwynedd
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Ymateb aml-asiantaeth i’r tywydd garw yng Ngogledd Cymru
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Wythnos Diogelwch Ffyrdd
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Y Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub yn cefnogi Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Carbon Monocsid
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Y Ffenics yn tanio brwdfrydedd ieuenctid Conwy
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Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru yn annog pobl sy’n defnyddio canhwyllau i gadw’n ddiogel yn ystod wythnos diogelwch canhwyllau.